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Posters From Nazi Germany During WW2

“Smash the Enemies of Greater Germany!” A literal translation would be:” Into Dust with All Enemies of Greater Germany.”The aim was to boost the morale of Germans.

Poster of a anti-semitic film The Eternal Jew. (Read More about the film here)

Another rabid anti_Jewish poster. Published in 1943-44. “The Jew: The inciter of war, the prolonger of war.”

 A SS recruitment poster

 1941. The woman works on the field while her husband fights at the front

 1944. “Infantry: The Queen of the Services.”

 1941. This one is for the factory workers. "You are the front"

Anti Jewish poster in Russian. 1941. “Get the Jewish-Bolshevist warmongers out of Europe!”

 May 1942. "Work as hard for victory as hard we fight for it"

1942. “One battle, one will, one goal: Victory at any cost!” The poster is by “Mjölnir,” Goebbels’ artist from Berlin, whose real name was Hans Schweitzer (1901-1980)

 "Adolph Hitler is victory". It was removed after the disaster at Stalingrad.

1943. After Stalingrad. "Victory or Bolshevism"

This was used in occupied Europe and satellite nations. It suggests that they all are an united Europe against Bolshevism

This was for the workers. "Build more for the front"

1943-44. SS recruitment poster. "Enlist now"

1943 “Shame on you, chatterer! The enemy is listening. Silence is your duty.”

 Later in the war. "Mothers, fight for your children"

Later in the war. warning people to put off lights. “The enemy sees your light! Black out!”

 A recruitment poster for the Ukrainian division of the SS. Fighting the Soviets.

Source: Calvin.edu