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Japanese Army During WW2: Rare Pictures

Japanese troops in China 

Japanese paratroopers
Japanese anti-aircraft sonar

Tomoyuki Yamashita (November 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) - general of the Japanese army during World War II. September 2, 1945, he was taken prisoner by the Americans.
 During the trial in Manila, the American military court sentenced Yamashita to death.  February 23, 1946 he was hanged. 

Japanese soldiers on motorcycles

Testing a anti-tank gun in 1944 by the Japanese

 Japanese soldiers with a machinegun
With a anti-tank rifle

A Japanese soldier about to toss a grenade

Military training given to Japanese monks

Japanese officer in Philippines. 1942

Light Tank "2595" ("Ha-Go")

The HA-GO 2595 Japanese light tank was developed by the Mitsubishi Corporation in 1935. It was produced serially from 1936 to 1940 and used during Second World War.

An exotic Japanese vehicle

 Kamikaze pilots

Japanese machine-gunners

Japanese anti-tank gunners

A Japanese machine gun fires

Cleaning the weapons

 Special Japanese amphibious units

Mortars being fired

Japanese paratroopers

Japanese tank in action

Japanese heavy anti-aircraft guns

Japanese sailors

 Japanese marines
 Soldiers pass through a bamboo grove
 Refreshing themselves with coconut
 Sugar cane!
 Lunch break
 A parade
Battle in the street