A dead German soldier on the street of Vienna

This Russian officer seems to love the music of Beethoven

These Austrian women preferred to commit suicide then to fall into the hands of victors

Russian tanks trundle on the streets of Vienna

These guys are already fixing up dates with the Viennese women
After the second world war came to an end in 1945, Robert Farley and his crew of American military policemen (the 505 military police battalion) entered Vienna to resume order. He was part of the 4-nation patrol (one soldier from UK, France, Russia and the US rode jeeps around the city to maintain peace). Once " a Russian soldier took a liking to my date. He motioned for me to give my date over to him but I refused. Then he pulled out a pistol and waved it at me, but my answer was still 'Nyet.' Luckily, he walked away with a disgusted look on his face."

Vienna burns

Top Russian officers converse


Soviet troops swarm on the streets of Vienna

These guys take a photo-op

Vienna destroyed

Russian soldiers march on in Austria

These Austrians are doing the smart thing to do. Befriend the Russians.

These Russian soldiers are interested in the Austrian Fraulein

Dead on the streets

This Nazi poster is all that remains

Wrecks. Ruins.

Broken bridges

Some remnants of resistance from the Nazis?

The infamous Caucasian Soviet soldier