It is a wonder what a leader with an obsession and fiery oratory can do to the masses.

This original musical drama is based on the Bread Riots of the French Revolution, when women marched from Paris to Versailles, stormed the palace, and killed the Swiss Guards. The Night of the Amazons tells of the climactic night in the lives of five of the women who occupied the palace overnight before bringing Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to Paris to stand trial.
The Night of the Amazons
by Herbert Rosendorfer, Translated by Mike Mitchell
Original title: Die Nacht der Amazonen
Original language: German
Published in early 1990s
The Night of the Amazons is the blackest of black satires on Nazi Germany. It charts the rise of Christian Weber, one-time groom and pub bouncer, who exploits his status as one of the ‘Grand Old Soldiers’ of the ‘Movement’ (i.e. the Nazi Party), and certain compromising facts he knows about Hitler, to a position of power and influence and an immense fortune. Weber’s breathtakingly complete lack of any moral sense gives him total self-assurance and he proceeds to gratify his appetites in episodes of self-indulgence which are both chilling and grotesquely comic.
The absolute control the Nazis exerted gave figures like Weber the means to act out their own private fantasies at public expense and, often, in public, presenting them as concerns of ‘national importance’. In Weber’s career this culminates in the ‘Nights of the Amazons’, grotesque Wagnerian pageants financed by the City of Munich, in which well-developed members of the Bund Deutsche Madeln (the Nazi girls’ squad) parade naked, apart from cardboard helmets and the odd sash, on horseback before an audience of tens of thousands.

Dr. Robert Ley was a Nazi politician and head of the German Labour Front from 1933 to 1945. He committed suicide while awaiting trial for war crimes.

Rare color pictures, Nazi Germany, Part 1